All posts by Cydney Posner

Considerations regarding the defensive health of newly public companies

As discussed in this December 2016 Cooley Alert, this proxy season, the policies of ISS and Glass Lewis provide that they will recommend voting against the re-election of directors of “newly public” companies that, prior to or in connection with their IPOs, adopted bylaw or charter provisions that these proxy advisory […]

New revenue recognition standard—are companies overlooking the disclosures?

by Cydney Posner The warnings are everywhere—it’s time to get serious about revenue recognition. The new standard is expected to result in significant changes to measuring, recognizing and reporting of revenue—regarded as the key line item in the financials for most companies. While the impact of the new standard will […]

New revenue recognition standard— don’t ignore the impact on compensation

by Cydney Posner At the recent Bloomberg BNA Conference on Revenue Recognition,  a Deloitte partner observed that, to the extent that, in awarding compensation, companies use metrics that are keyed to revenue, the new revenue recognition standard could affect compensation or bonus plans because the ways of measuring and the […]

Are “other key operating metrics” the new non-GAAP financial measures?

by Cydney Posner As reported by BNA, the top accounting staff at the SEC are quite satisfied with companies’ responses to the SEC’s assault on abuses of non-GAAP financial measures. The staff’s concern was that companies’ reporting was often inappropriately painting, through the use of non-GAAP measures, healthier-than-justified pictures of […]

Does a long-term view really pay off?

by Cydney Posner In this February 2017 article in the Harvard Business Review, “Finally, Evidence That Managing for the Long Term Pays Off,” a team from McKinsey and associated consultants attempt to prove empirically what has often seemed intuitively must be true — that companies that manage for long-term value […]

Letter from six senators challenges authority of Acting SEC Chair on conflict minerals no-action position

by Cydney Posner It’s not only the NGOs that have expressed their dismay at the no-action position taken by Corp Fin and Acting SEC Chair Michael Piwowar with regard to compliance by companies with the conflict minerals rule. In this April 26 letter, six U.S. Senators express their doubt about […]

GAO issues annual report showing only slight progress in disclosures on conflict minerals

by Cydney Posner The GAO has recently issued its third annual report on conflict minerals. The GAO is required by Dodd-Frank to report annually on the effectiveness of the SEC’s conflict minerals rule in promoting peace and security in the DRC and adjoining countries  (the “covered countries”) as well as […]

It’s baaaack — the Financial CHOICE Act of 2017

by Cydney Posner A draft of the Financial CHOICE Act of 2017 (fka version 2.0), a bill to create hope and opportunity for investors, consumers, and entrepreneurs — a masterpiece of acronyming — has just been released (and weighs in at 593 pages).   The bill, sponsored by Jeb Hensarling, Chair […]

Shareholder proposal process in the crosshairs

by Cydney Posner According to this report in Bloomberg BNA,  the plans for changing the shareholder proposal process in the Financial CHOICE Act 2.0 are quite dramatic and could effectively curtail the process, if that is, the current version of the provision ever makes it into law.