All posts by Cydney Posner

Senate hearing on conflict minerals law reveals common theme

by Cydney Posner On April 5, just prior to the release of  Corp Fin’s Updated Statement on conflict minerals, the Senate Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health Policy held a hearing on the effects on the Democratic Republic of the Congo of Section 1502 of Dodd-Frank and the SEC’s related conflict […]

Responses to Corp Fin’s Updated Statement on Conflict Minerals

by Cydney Posner A number of NGOs have issued statements emphatically rejecting Corp Fin’s  Updated Statement on the Effect of the Court of Appeals Decision on the Conflict Minerals Rule and the Acting Chair’s separate Statement on conflict minerals (see this PubCo post) and calling for companies to disregard them and […]

SEC Chief Accountant addresses audit committee effectiveness

by Cydney Posner In a recent speech at the University of Tennessee, “Advancing the Role and Effectiveness of Audit Committees,” SEC Chief Accountant Wes Bricker discusses his recommendations for — wait for it — improving the effectiveness of audit committees.  The speech addresses issues such as diversity, work overload, tone […]

Corp Fin provides relief on conflict minerals in light of final judgment in National Association of Manufacturers v. SEC

by Cydney Posner Today, in light of the entry of final judgment by the D.C. District Court in National Association of Manufacturers v. SEC, Corp Fin issued an Updated Statement on the Effect of the Court of Appeals Decision on the Conflict Minerals Rule that provides substantial relief to companies subject to […]

More opposition to the virtual-only annual meeting

by Cydney Posner In case you missed it, Gretchen Morgenson’s column in the Sunday NYT railed against virtual-only annual meetings, which according to her data (provided by Broadridge), have increased in number from 21 in 2011 to 154 in 2016.  And joining in the condemnation of the practice was NYC […]

SEC adopts JOBS Act inflation adjustments and other technical changes

by Cydney Posner The SEC has adopted a number of inflation-related adjustments under the JOBS Act, including an adjustment to the revenue cap in the definition of “emerging growth company,” as well as adjustments to the dollar amounts in Reg Crowdfunding. A number of technical amendments were also adopted to […]

Final judgment entered in conflict minerals case, National Association of Manufacturers v. SEC

by Cydney Posner Today, the D.C. District Court entered final judgment in National Association of Manufacturers v. SEC, holding that Section 1502 of Dodd-Frank and Rule 13p-1 and Form SD, Conflict Minerals, violate the First Amendment to the extent that the statute and the rule require regulated entities to report […]

Is relative TSR still the performance metric of choice?

by Cydney Posner According to a just-released report from Equilar, an executive compensation and corporate governance data firm, “relative total shareholder return” continues to be the most common performance measure used in long-term incentive plans for CEOs among S&P 500 companies.  However, after years of increasing prevalence among companies in […]

Investigate Piwowar?

by Cydney Posner Not everyone is pleased by the actions taken by Acting SEC Chair Michael Piwowar directing the SEC staff to review the conflict minerals and pay-ratio disclosure rules.  In fact, today, four Senate Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee have called for an investigation into whether he has […]

State Department ventures into conflict minerals

by Cydney Posner Bloomberg BNA is reporting that the State Department has launched a new review of  “how best to support responsible sourcing of conflict minerals,” which will continue through April 28. Although it’s not known whether the SEC is involved in the State Department’s efforts, BNA suggests that the […]