CPA-Zicklin Index for 2016 shows companies increase disclosure, oversight and restrictions regarding corporate political spending
by Cydney Posner In light of our proximity to election day — finally — it seemed like a good time to take a look at the CPA-Zicklin Index of Political Disclosure and Accountability, just released for 2016, which annually evaluates corporate practices and disclosure regarding political spending. In a record-breaking year […]
PwC survey of directors showed skepticism on the benefits of shareholder engagement, critical views of some board colleagues and gender splits on board diversity
by Cydney Posner In its annual survey released Tuesday of more than 800 corporate directors, PwC identified ten key findings, including critical views on other board members, split views on board diversity and skeptical views on the benefits of shareholder engagement. Of the directors surveyed, in 2016, 35% thought that at least […]
Establishing disclosure controls for non-GAAP financial measures
by Cydney Posner With the spotlight now on non-GAAP financial measures, companies might find this article in to be particularly useful. The article provides practical guidance to help companies establish effective disclosure controls and procedures for non-GAAP financial measures.
Surprise! Compliance Society survey finds compliance programs effective
by Cydney Posner A 2016 survey conducted by the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics and the Health Care Compliance Association of their members found that compliance professionals were well worth the cost. (But really, would you have expected them to publish a survey showing that their members and programs […]
Large companies continue to enhance audit committee disclosures voluntarily, but pass on more delicate disclosures
by Cydney Posner With the PCAOB likely to adopt some form of enhanced disclosure requirement for the auditor’s report (see this PubCo post and this PubCo post regarding the reproposal of disclosure of “critical audit matters”), and the SEC contemplating the addition of a number of disclosure mandates for audit […]
CEO-employee pay ratios may not be as bad as feared, says Mercer study
by Cydney Posner There’s been a lot of hand-wringing about what the data will show when public companies are finally required, in 2018, to disclose their CEO-to-median-employee pay ratios as required by new SEC rules implementing Dodd-Frank (discussed in this Cooley Alert). Not to worry! Those ratios promise to be […]
Climate change tops the list of issues in comments on Reg S-K concept release
by Cydney Posner According to BNA, at a recent conference, Corp Fin Director Keith Higgins reported that the highest proportion of comments so far received on the Reg S-K Concept Release related to better environmental and social responsibility disclosure. As SEC Chair Mary Jo White indicated a few months ago: the […]
Has Corp Fin “evolved” on exclusion of proxy access proposals under Rule 14a-8(i)(10)?
by Cydney Posner Until yesterday, there were five no-action requests regarding proxy access proposals from the McRitchie/Chevedden group awaiting responses from Corp Fin as to whether the proposals could be excluded on the basis that they had been “substantially implemented” under Rule 14a-8(i)(10). The burning question was whether there would […]
by Cydney Posner At an open meeting this morning, the SEC voted to propose shortening the standard settlement cycle for most broker-dealer transactions from three business days after the trade date to two business days after the trade date, i.e., T+2. The SEC’s mandatory settlement cycle (Rule 15c6-1) was first […]
No more “Tandy” letters from Corp Fin staff
by Cydney Posner Corp Fin has just announced that it will no longer require companies to include “Tandy” language in company responses to staff comment letters. “Tandy” language is a written representation from the company acknowledging that the disclosure in the document was its responsibility and that it would not […]