All posts by Cydney Posner

Is Section 162(m) just “a gnat on an elephant”?

by Cydney Posner According to an interesting article, “The Executive Pay Cap That Backfired,” by Allen Sloan, published in ProPublica on February 12, not only did tax code Section 162(m) not achieve its intended goal, it actually backfired – or at least led to a counter-intuitive result.  But it did […]

Corp Fin Staff grants no-action relief allowing exclusion of shareholder proposals for proxy access under Rule 14a-8(i)(10)

by Cydney Posner Now that Corp Fin has issued Staff Legal Bulletin 14H providing guidance that, for most practical purposes, eliminates the availability of Rule 14a-8(i)(9) (see this PubCo post) to exclude shareholder proposals that conflict with management proposals, there has been substantial speculation about the contours of Rule 14a-8(i)(10), the exclusion for proposals […]

Does merit pay work?

by Cydney Posner Most employers in North America don’t think so, according to, reporting on a new survey by the compensation consulting firm, Willis Towers Watson. The survey, conducted in the last quarter of 2015, was directed at 150 large and midsize U.S. and Canadian employers. The survey reached […]

Want to increase company performance? Increase the proportion of women in corporate leadership

by Cydney Posner So says a new study from the Peterson Institute for International Economics.  The results suggest that the presence of women in corporate leadership positions may improve firm performance and that “the magnitudes of the correlations are not small.”

SEC’s Investor Advisory Committee takes on Nasdaq

by Cydney Posner At the January meeting of the SEC’s Investor Advisory Committee, two Nasdaq representatives made a presentation regarding the recent Solicitation of Comments by the Nasdaq Listing and Hearing Review Council, a standing independent advisory committee, regarding some of the Nasdaq shareholder approval rules.  The reaction of the […]

BlackRock CEO asks companies to provide board-approved strategic framework for long-term value creation

by Cydney Posner While Laurence D. Fink, co-founder and chief executive of BlackRock, has been decrying short-termism for a number of years, in his 2016 corporate governance letter to CEOs, he takes his advocacy a step further.  According to this DealBook column, the letter was sent to 500 chief executives late […]

NACD governance survey reports on top board priorities, time commitment and other matters

by Cydney Posner The National Association of Corporate Directors has made available the highlights of its 2015-2016 Public Company Governance Survey of over a thousand directors and executives.  

Should insiders be permitted to pledge their company shares?

by Cydney Posner Many company policies prohibit (or severely limit) officers and directors from pledging their company shares against margin loans, and, as discussed in an article in last week’s WSJ, there seems to be good reason for that practice. 

Directors overboard

by Cydney Posner Companies are paying increased attention to the potential for director “overboarding,” according to the WSJ.  Many companies have adopted restrictions on the number of outside seats that directors may hold, often in response to shareholder requests. In addition, some institutional shareholders are guided in their voting by […]

Directors say: Do as I say, not as I do

by Cydney Posner According to this article in the WSJ, a forthcoming survey from accounting and consulting firm EisnerAmper LLP shows that the overwhelming majority of directors favor age and term limits, just not for themselves.