Category: administrative law
Acting SEC Chair Uyeda presents blueprint for SEC rulemaking processes
Yesterday, Acting SEC Chair Mark Uyeda delivered remarks to the Investment Company Institute’s 2025 Investment Management Conference. While much of his presentation was specific to investment companies, the theme of his remarks had a more general application: a revised—revived?—blueprint for SEC rulemaking processes. This is certainly not the first time that Uyeda has been critical of the SEC’s rulemaking process (see, e.g., this PubCo post and this PubCo post), but now, as Acting Chair, his words may carry more weight as both a reflection of his intentions as Acting Chair and a harbinger of the Administration to come. Among Uyeda’s objectives—“to set forth a blueprint for restoring the Commission’s rulemaking processes to the ‘gold standard’ among regulatory agencies.”
Shadow SEC argues for retention of SEC independence
At the end of last year, in this post on the CLS Blue Sky Blog, two leading authorities on securities law, Professors John C. Coffee, Jr. and Joel Seligman, made some predictions about SEC regulation under the new Administration. (See this PubCo post.) In light of their concerns about the potential changes to the SEC under the new Administration, they announced their intent to form a “Shadow SEC,” composed of acknowledged experts in securities regulation, intended to encourage debate through the presentation of “cogent and factual arguments”: “Such a shadow body—more scholarly than political—might frame issues in fuller detail and offer less drastic alternatives.” Although “[c]larity and objectivity will not always win,” they suggested, “sometimes they might. That is enough to justify the effort.” In Shadow SEC: The Value of an Independent SEC, the Shadow SEC takes on the February 18 Executive Order, which sought to rein in the independence of “independent” federal regulatory agencies, such as the SEC, by ensuring that they all operate under the President’s authority and supervision. (See this PubCo post.) Not surprisingly, they had some concerns.
Executive Order deletes “independent” from “independent regulatory agencies”
On Tuesday, the President signed a new Executive Order claiming that “independent” federal regulatory agencies, such as the SEC, shouldn’t really be so independent after all. Rather, the Order contends, they all should be operating under the President’s authority and supervision. According to the Administration’s fact sheet, these independent agencies need to be “reined in”: These “so-called independent agencies…have exercised enormous power over the American people without Presidential oversight.” They issue rules and regulations, the fact sheet contends, “that cost billions of dollars and implicate some of the most controversial policy matters, and they do so without the review of the democratically elected President. They also spend American tax dollars and set priorities without consulting the President, while setting their own performance standards. Now they will no longer impose rules on the American people without oversight or accountability.”
UPDATED—en banc Fifth Circuit puts the kibosh on the Nasdaq board diversity rules
(This post updates my post of December 12 to add further discussion of the decision.)
In August 2021, the SEC approved a Nasdaq proposal for new listing rules regarding board diversity and disclosure, accompanied by a proposal to provide free access to a board recruiting service. The new listing rules adopted a “comply or explain” mandate for board diversity for most listed companies and required companies listed on Nasdaq’s U.S. exchange to publicly disclose “consistent, transparent diversity statistics” regarding the composition of their boards. (See this PubCo post.) It didn’t take long for a court challenge to these rules to materialize: the Alliance for Fair Board Recruitment and, later, the National Center for Public Policy Research petitioned the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals—the Alliance has its principal place of business in Texas—for review of the SEC’s final order approving the Nasdaq rule. (See this PubCo post and this PubCo post.) (Reuters points out that the same pair of challengers “led the successful U.S. Supreme Court challenge against race-conscious college admissions policies.” In October 2023, a three-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit denied those petitions, in effect upholding Nasdaq’s board diversity listing rules. Given that, by repute, the Fifth Circuit is the circuit of choice for advocates of conservative causes, the decision to deny the petition may have taken some by surprise—unless, that is, they were aware, as discussed in the WSJ and Reuters, that the three judges on that panel happened to all be appointed by Democrats. Petitioners then filed a petition requesting a rehearing en banc by the Fifth Circuit, where Republican presidents have appointed 12 of the 16 active judges. (See this PubCo post.) Not that politics has anything to do with it, of course. That petition for rehearing en banc was granted, vacating the opinion of the lower court. In May, the en banc court heard oral argument, with a discussion dominated by rule skeptics. (See this PubCo post.) Last week, the Fifth Circuit, sitting en banc, issued its opinion in Alliance for Fair Board Recruitment v. SEC, vacating the SEC’s order approving Nasdaq’s board diversity proposal. No surprise there—the surprise was that the vote by the Fifth Circuit was nine to eight. The majority of the Court applied a strict interpretation—some might call it pinched—of the purposes of the Exchange Act to hold that the Nasdaq board diversity rules “cannot be squared with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,” and, therefore, the SEC had no business approving them. Ironically, the dissent also contended that the SEC’s authority was limited—that its statutory authority to disapprove a rule proposed by Nasdaq, cast by the dissent as a “private entity” engaged in private ordering, was constrained by the Exchange Act. In effect, the dissent contended, the majority was advocating that the agency intrude more on this exercise in private ordering. According to Bloomberg Law, a “Nasdaq representative said the exchange disagreed with the court’s decision, but doesn’t plan to appeal the ruling. An SEC spokesperson said the agency is ‘reviewing the decision and will determine next steps as appropriate.’” But if Nasdaq doesn’t appeal, how likely is it that the new Administration would do so?
En banc Fifth Circuit puts the kibosh on the Nasdaq board diversity rules
In August 2021, the SEC approved a Nasdaq proposal for new listing rules regarding board diversity and disclosure, accompanied by a proposal to provide free access to a board recruiting service. The new listing rules adopted a “comply or explain” mandate for board diversity for most listed companies and required companies listed on Nasdaq’s U.S. exchange to publicly disclose “consistent, transparent diversity statistics” regarding the composition of their boards. (See this PubCo post.) It didn’t take long for a court challenge to these rules to materialize: the Alliance for Fair Board Recruitment and, later, the National Center for Public Policy Research petitioned the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals—the Alliance has its principal place of business in Texas—for review of the SEC’s final order approving the Nasdaq rule. (See this PubCo post and this PubCo post) In October 2023, a three-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit denied those petitions, in effect upholding Nasdaq’s board diversity listing rules. Given that, by repute, the Fifth Circuit is the circuit of choice for advocates of conservative causes, the decision to deny the petition may have taken some by surprise—unless, that is, they were aware, as discussed in the WSJ and Reuters, that the three judges on this panel happened to all be appointed by Democrats. Petitioners then filed a petition requesting a rehearing en banc by the Fifth Circuit, where Republican presidents have appointed 12 of the 16 active judges. (See this PubCo post.) Not that politics has anything to do with it, of course. That petition for rehearing en banc was granted, vacating the opinion of the lower court. In May, the en banc court heard oral argument, with a discussion was dominated by rule skeptics. (See this PubCo post.) Yesterday, the Court issued its opinion in Alliance for Fair Board Recruitment v. SEC. No surprise there—the majority of the Court held that the Nasdaq diversity rules “cannot be squared with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.” The surprise was that the vote on the Fifth Circuit was nine to eight. According to Bloomberg Law, a “Nasdaq representative said the exchange disagreed with the court’s decision, but doesn’t plan to appeal the ruling. An SEC spokesperson said the agency is ‘reviewing the decision and will determine next steps as appropriate.’” But if Nasdaq doesn’t appeal, how likely is that the new Administration would do so?
Below is a very quick paragraph to alert you to the decision. I plan to write a much longer post on the case (including the dissent) in the next day or so. Stay tuned for the update.
Will SCOTUS revive the nondelegation doctrine? Cert. granted in Consumers’ Research v. FCC
When SCOTUS granted cert. in SEC v. Jarkesy, the case challenging the constitutionality of the SEC’s administrative enforcement proceedings, one of the questions presented was whether the statute granting authority to the SEC to elect to use ALJs violated the nondelegation doctrine. Jarkesy had contended that, in adopting the provision in Dodd-Frank permitting the use of ALJs but providing no guidance on the issue, “Congress has delegated to the SEC what would be legislative power absent a guiding intelligible principle” in violation of that doctrine. Had SCOTUS gone that route, commentators suggested, the case had the potential to be enormously significant in limiting the power of the SEC and other federal agencies beyond the question of ALJs. A column in the NYT discussing Jarkesy explained that, if “embraced in its entirety, the nondelegation doctrine could spell the end of agency power as we know it, turning the clock back to before the New Deal.” And in Bloomberg, Matt Levine wrote that, while the ”nondelegation doctrine has not had a lot of wins in the Supreme Court in the last 90 years….it’s back now: There is revived interest in it at the Supreme Court.” Had Jarkesy won the nondelegation argument, that could have meant “that all of the SEC’s rulemaking (and every other regulatory agency’s rulemaking) is suspect, that every policy decision that the SEC makes is unconstitutional. Much of US securities law would need to be thrown out, or perhaps rewritten by Congress if they ever got around to it. Stuff like the SEC’s climate rules would be dead forever.” In his view, “the Supreme Court does have several justices who would love to revive the nondelegation doctrine in a way that really would undermine most of securities regulation.” That didn’t happen in Jarkesy; SCOTUS studiously avoided addressing the issue, its looming presence in the lower court decision notwithstanding. But the nondelegation doctrine has again reared its head, this time in Consumers’ Research v. FCC out of the Fifth Circuit. In late November, SCOTUS granted cert. in that case (and consolidated it with another case, SHLB Coalition v. Consumers’ Research, that presented similar questions). All three of the questions presented in the cert. petition relate to the nondelegation doctrine (although another was added by SCOTUS itself). With this case now on the docket, will SCOTUS continue its shellacking of the administrative state? (See this PubCo post, this PubCo post, this PubCo post, this PubCo post and this PubCo post.) And add another big wrinkle: how will the new Administration approach this case and this question? While, historically, according to Bloomberg, the “solicitor general typically defends federal statutes and programs regardless of party affiliation,” there is no assurance that the new Administration will follow historical practice. Indeed, according to this article in, with a new administration, “[f]lipping positions at the Supreme Court has become a common trend of incoming U.S. solicitors general, even if it tends to irk the justices themselves.”
In appeal, NAM insists “solicitation” includes proxy voting advice
Back in February, in ISS v. SEC, the D.C. Federal District Court vacated the SEC’s 2020 rule that advice from proxy advisory firms was a “solicitation” under the proxy rules. Both the SEC and National Association of Manufacturers filed notices of appeal in that case, but then the SEC mysteriously dropped out of that contest: both the SEC and Gensler moved to voluntarily dismiss their appeal. Why? That remains a mystery: the SEC did not provide any reason. The SEC’s dismissal did not, however, impact NAM’s separate appeal as Intervenor-Appellant, except that NAM became the sole appellant in the case. In a statement to Bloomberg at the time, a NAM representative said that NAM was “surprised and extremely disappointed that the SEC has chosen not to exercise its authority to defend America’s world-leading capital markets from the outsized and completely unregulated authority of proxy advisory firms.” Now, NAM has filed its brief in the case.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Gensler announces departure from SEC—what’s next?
In a statement, the SEC has announced that Chair Gary Gensler will step down from his position at noon on January 20, 2025. That’s of course the time when the new president is sworn in, so it’s not exactly a surprise. According to the WSJ, “Gensler’s decision to remain until the very end of the Biden administration probably disappoints some Republicans who wanted to see him leave sooner. It means he could try to push through some additional measures since Democrats will retain a majority on the five-member SEC as long as he stays.” In the statement, Gensler said that the SEC “is a remarkable agency….The staff and the Commission are deeply mission-driven, focused on protecting investors, facilitating capital formation, and ensuring that the markets work for investors and issuers alike. The staff comprises true public servants. It has been an honor of a lifetime to serve with them on behalf of everyday Americans and ensure that our capital markets remain the best in the world.”
What happens when amplified SEC litigation challenges meet budget constraints?
Annually, the SEC’s Office of Inspector General offers its “independent perspective” on the “top management and performance challenges” facing the SEC. What stands out in the 2024 Inspector General’s Statement on the SEC’s Management and Performance Challenges? It’s that the SEC is confronting several serious challenges—particularly significant litigation challenges to its rulemaking—but, at the same time, is facing serious budget constraints. Not only have many of the recent rulemakings been challenged in court, but, in light of SCOTUS’s decision last term in Loper Bright, which put the kibosh on Chevron deference, the OIG expects that “SEC rulemaking will continue to face searching judicial scrutiny.” In addition, the OIG predicts that the “current regulatory environment may lead to increased forum shopping by petitioners and extended periods of uncertainty about the permissible scope of agency action.” In light of this heightened judicial scrutiny, the OIG advises, the SEC “must continue to develop a thorough administrative record, including meaningful opportunity for public participation and reasoned responses to public submissions. The SEC already invests considerable resources toward these ends, but should be prepared for additional litigation, as industry and public interest groups may take opportunities to challenge regulations.” At the same time, the OIG cautions, the dearth of resources under the current budget environment “may hinder the Agency’s ability to meet these challenges, mitigate its risks, and pursue its vital mission.” In particular, as a result of flat funding for fiscal 2024, the SEC was required to freeze hiring and eliminate certain employee benefits, while increased “personnel costs limit the resources available to update and improve legacy information systems, including information security.” Yet, “the changing regulatory environment will likely increase operational demands on the Agency and its staff,” rendering the financial constraints all the more problematic.
You can probably tell that this post was written prior to the vote count last night. The election results and coming change in
Administration will certainly affect the SEC’s rulemaking agenda and probably its litigation posture; however, to the extent that Democrats adopt a litigation strategy with regard to rulemaking by the new Administration that follows the current Republican playbook, many of the challenges identified by the OIG could well remain.
SCOTUS denies cert. in case regarding agency independence
This PubCo post highlighted a petition for cert. filed this term to review the Fifth Circuit decision, Consumers’ Research v. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Below is a brief update on the outcome. The expectation was that, if the SCOTUS granted cert. in the case, the Court might take the opportunity to continue its shellacking of the administrative state. But would they? The case involved the concept of agency independence as established in a 1935 case, Humphrey’s Executor v. United States—more specifically, the president’s authority to remove commissioners of so-called “independent” agencies, in this instance, the Consumer Product Safety Commission. With the three-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit practically begging SCOTUS to review its decision, it sure seemed like a good bet that the Court would grant cert.
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