In the last couple of months of 2024, the FASB issued some “invitations to comment” intended to allow FASB stakeholders to express their views on whether or not the FASB should pursue the projects identified. It could well turn out that these ITCs offer a preview of topics that the FASB might be taking up in 2025. What’s more, two of these projects have the potential to be somewhat contentious: accounting for intangibles, such as brand recognition, copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade names, customer relationships and customer lists, and key performance indicators. In an interview with the WSJ, FASB Chair Rich Jones observed that “[y]ou’re seeing us really explore what, depending on the direction those projects take, could be a very significant shift in financial reporting.”
What might the FASB be looking at for 2025?
In the last couple of months of 2024, the FASB issued some “invitations to comment” intended to allow FASB stakeholders to express their views on whether or not the FASB should pursue the projects identified. It could well turn out that these ITCs offer a preview of topics that the FASB might be taking up in 2025. What’s more, two of these projects have the potential to be somewhat contentious: accounting for intangibles, such as brand recognition, copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade names, customer relationships and customer lists, and key performance indicators. In an interview with the WSJ, FASB Chair Rich Jones observed that “[y]ou’re seeing us really explore what, depending on the direction those projects take, could be a very significant shift in financial reporting.”