Tag: DGCL 144

Sponsor of SB 21, controversial Delaware bill to amend corporate law, speaks out

In an exclusive interview with Law360, the Delaware legislator who was the primary sponsor of the proposed amendments to the Delaware General Corporation Law that have fueled so much debate recently discusses the thinking behind the proposed legislation.  As discussed in this PubCo post, in response to much chatter and speculation about companies changing their states of incorporation from Delaware to other states—in other words, concerns about Delaware’s valuable corporate franchise—the Delaware legislature introduced a bill that, if adopted, would effect “sweeping changes” to Delaware’s corporate law.  The bill would offer a process for boards to invoke safe harbor protection from litigation over potentially conflicted transactions for directors and controlling stockholders. The bill would also address Delaware’s provisions related to books and records. The impact could be fundamental. But there has been substantial pushback—some of which is quoted in the referenced post—from critics of the bill.  In the Law360 interview, Delaware Senate Majority Leader Bryan Townsend defends the bill, citing the “‘urgency of the moment.’” In his analysis, “‘[w]hat seems to be happening here is growing frustration out there in the marketplace as to what people believe to be a departure in predictability’ in Delaware’s courts, ‘at a time when other states are standing up alternative frameworks that people are seriously considering.’” Check out the article!

New Delaware bill would offer safe harbor for conflicted transactions—will it convince companies to stay put in Delaware?

As discussed earlier this month, there has been a lot of chatter and speculation recently about companies changing their states of incorporation from Delaware to other states.  In an interview with Business Insider, the new Governor of Delaware acknowledged that the state remained a “‘competitive environment’” and that “his state needed to take challenge seriously,” including addressing “issues such as the balance of shareholder and management rights….I think within the coming weeks, you’re going to see some things rolled out that will help move our state forward and bring us into 2025 and beyond to make sure we’re protecting and growing the corporate franchise.” A new bill designed to take up that challenge in a significant way—Senate Bill 21—was introduced in Delaware on Monday and is awaiting consideration by the Judiciary Committee. In essence, the bill would offer a process for boards to invoke safe harbor protection from litigation over potentially conflicted transactions for directors and controlling stockholders. The bill would also address Delaware’s provisions related to books and records. The impact could be fundamental.