Tag: shareholder proposals

Some notes from the SEC’s Investor Advisory Committee meeting

by Cydney Posner Today, at a meeting of the SEC’s Investor Advisory Committee, the committee heard various updates regarding proxy season, shareholder rights  and related matters. Pat McGurn of ISS discussed the past proxy season, which he viewed as “one of the strangest” ever.  Why strange? Because of the impact […]

Third Circuit renders opinion in Trinity Wall Street v. Wal-Mart (and admonishes SEC to issue new guidance)

by Cydney Posner Yesterday, the Third Circuit finally rendered its opinion  in Trinity Wall Street v. Wal-Mart Stores Inc, a case involving a shareholder proposal submitted by Trinity Wall Street requesting that Wal-Mart’s board develop a policy regarding the sale of high-capacity firearms and other dangerous products. Wal-Mart sought to […]

SEC Chair White spills the beans on proposal for universal proxies, hints about the exclusion for conflicting shareholder proposals and discusses other proxy-related matters

by Cydney Posner Today, in a speech to the Society of Corporate Secretaries and Governance Professionals, SEC Chair May Jo White discussed   four proxy-related issues that have recently created tension between companies and their shareholders:  the concept of a universal proxy ballot; shareholder proposals; the delivery of preliminary proxy […]

CII petitions SEC for staff guidance on the proxy rules and an amendment to Item 5.07 of Form 8-K regarding voting results

by Cydney Posner Earlier this month, the Council of Institutional Investors filed a petition with the SEC requesting interpretive guidance regarding the proxy rules and rulemaking in connection with Form 8-K. More specifically, CII requested the following: Staff guidance regarding proxy statement disclosure of voting requirements for items on the ballot […]

White shares observations on shareholder activism, the shareholder proposal process and fee-shifting bylaws

by Cydney Posner Today, SEC Chair Mary Jo White spoke at Tulane’s Corporate Law Institute, sharing her observations on the current state of shareholder activism, the shareholder proposal process and fee-shifting bylaws. The common theme: her aversion to gamesmanship and close-minded, reflexive behavior on all sides, which, she believes, can […]

Proxy Access: not a question of “if,” but “when”?

by Cydney Posner This article in the WSJ observes that there appears to be a major shift in the viability of proxy access, as a growing number of companies are adopting bylaw amendments or are expected to submit the matter to shareholder votes this proxy season. The article quotes NYC […]

Push has come to shove for some companies on proxy access

by Cydney Posner If you’ve been following the saga regarding shareholder proposals for proxy access this proxy season, you know that around 100 companies received proxy access proposals and that the staff of Corp Fin has refused to express its view on the application of the exclusion, Rule 14a-8(i)(9) (conflicting […]

Is Corp Fin changing its tune on shareholder proposal exclusions?

by Cydney Posner Copied below is a long excerpt from Broc’s blog on thecorporatecounsel.net, which raises the question of whether Corp Fin’s prior position on 14a-8(i)(9), the exclusion for directly conflicting proposals, is the only position regarding shareholder proposals they are reconsidering this proxy season. Should we expect more “reflecting” […]

Institutional investors speak out on proxy access and conflicting proposals

by Cydney Posner Earlier this month, the SEC’s Investor Advisory Committee devoted part of its agenda to the topic of proxy access and the much debated Rule 14a-8(i)(9), which permits companies to exclude shareholder proposals from their proxy statements if they directly conflict with management proposals for the same meeting.  […]

Speakers comment on exclusion of shareholder proposals as false and misleading, Rule 14a-8(i)(3)

by Cydney Posner At the PLI conference on February 10, Corp Fin Director Keith Higgins, while focusing primarily on the issue du jour of Rule 14a-8(i)(9), the rule that permits companies to exclude from their proxy statements shareholder proposals that directly conflict with management proposals, also spent a little time […]