SEC, Amnesty and others file briefs in support of upholding the conflict minerals disclosure requirement
by Cydney Posner In November, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals granted the petitions of the SEC and Amnesty International for panel rehearing in connection with the conflict minerals case, National Association of Manufacturers, Inc. v. SEC. The order of the Circuit Court directed the parties to file supplemental briefs […]
Proxy access — is private ordering now taking front and center stage?
by Cydney Posner As reported by blog, on December 1, the SEC staff granted the no-action request of Whole Foods Market, Inc., allowing the company to omit from its proxy statement a non-binding shareholder proposal to permit proxy access. The proposal was submitted by James McRitchie, who delegated all authority […]
Court precludes omission of shareholder proposal, after SEC staff permits exclusion
by Cydney Posner In Trinity Wall Street v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., a federal district court in Delaware granted injunctive relief precluding omission of a shareholder proposal from Wal-Mart’s proxy statement, notwithstanding the SEC staff’s no-action position permitting exclusion of the proposal. That’s a much simplified version of the case, but […]
Disclosure Modernization and Simplification Act of 2014
by Cydney Posner This week, the House passed the “Disclosure Modernization and Simplification Act of 2014.” Among other things, the bill would require the SEC: To adopt regs to permit issuers to submit a summary page to the Form 10-K that cross-references to the related material contained in the Form […]
CII and pension funds make their voices loud and clear over fee-shifting bylaws
by Cydney Posner As noted in this Reuters post, the Council of Institutional Investors, along with a number of individual pension funds and other institutional investors, have chimed in on the debate currently roiling the Delaware bar over fee-shifting bylaws, sending letters to the governor of Delaware, the chair of the […]
Some ways to shorten 10-Ks and 10-Qs
by Cydney Posner I loved this column from Compliance Week by Scott Taub, former deputy chief accountant and former acting chief accountant at the SEC. It’s full of common sense ideas about how to shorten 10-Ks and 10-Qs, both of which seem to grow exponentially longer every year. Making them shorter […]
Cyberthieves collect confidential information, apparently to conduct insider trading
by Cydney Posner Here is an unnerving warning from FireEye, a cybersecurity firm, discussed in this article from MarketWatch, regarding a sophisticated, native-English-speaking group, designated FIN4, that has targeted almost 100 public companies, primarily healthcare and pharma, to compromise their confidential information. What’s unusual here is that the apparent purpose of […]
Republicans to SEC Chair: delay pay ratio rules. Is a repeal attempt in the offing?
by Cydney Posner The WSJ reports that three Republican congressman — House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling, and Reps. Scott Garrett and Bill Huizenga — have written to SEC Chair Mary Jo White urging that the SEC stop spending time on the pay-ratio disclosure rules and prioritize completing rulemaking […]
D.C. Circuit grants petition for panel rehearing of conflict minerals case
by Cydney Posner The D.C. Circuit court of Appeals has granted the petitions of the SEC and Amnesty International for panel rehearing (and the motion of Amnesty to file a supplemental brief) in connection with the conflict minerals case, National Association of Manufacturers, Inc. v. SEC. (The Court also ordered that […]
Another twist on restrictive bylaw provisions: minimum support thresholds
by Cydney Posner In this article, Reuters discusses yet another creative permutation on restrictive bylaw provisions — requiring that plaintiffs in certain shareholder litigation provide consents to the litigation from shareholders holding shares in excess of a minimum threshold. The problem the bylaw seeks to address is that shareholder litigation is […]
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