NYSE proposes changes regarding delivery to NYSE of proxy materials; SEC approves NYSE restriction on timing of issuance of material news after NYSE close

Two changes—one proposed, one approved—in the NYSE Manual: first, the NYSE is proposing to modify its requirements with respect to delivery to the NYSE of hard copies of proxy materials. Second, the SEC has approved the NYSE’s proposal, as amended, related to a limitation on the issuance of material news in the period immediately after the NYSE close.

Corp Fin posts FAQs regarding extension of process for confidential submission of draft registration statements

On June 29, Corp Fin announced that it was extending the process for confidential submission of draft registration statements, currently available only for IPOs of emerging growth companies, to IPOs of companies that are not EGCs, as well as for most follow-on offerings made in the first year after going public. The extension of this confidential process will allow more companies to defer the public disclosure of sensitive or competitive information until they are almost ready to market the offering—and potentially to avoid the public disclosure altogether if they ultimately decide not to proceed with the offering. The new process will become available on July 10, 2017. (See this PubCo post.) Subsequently, Corp Fin issued a series of FAQs to provide additional guidance.

Conflict minerals report can now be filed on EDGAR as Exhibit 1.01 to Form SD

by Cydney Posner Form SD provides that companies are to file the conflict minerals report as Exhibit 1.01, as does the SEC final release.  Last year, however, Exhibit 1.01 was not technically available for EDGAR filings, and the SEC’s EDGAR office advised that the CMR should instead be filed as […]